Legal notice of the KINEATHOME website - KINEATHOME - Hardy physiotherapy office

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Legal information - Privacy policy
- Name : CKH Sarl
- Director - Manager : Jean-Christophe HARDY
- Direction & publications manager : Jean-Christophe HARDY
- Head office (address + tel.) : 9 boulevard du Jazz - 4370 Belval - Luxembourg
- Compagny / VAT number : B278062
- Legal form : not subject to VAT
- Email :
- Webmaster : E-mage concept - Rouge Thier, 18 - 4920 Aywaille - 0476/74 90 97
- Web host :

Cookies and personal data

The website you are visiting uses cookies. Cookies are small text files that can be used by websites to make the user experience more efficient. Third-party cookies may be placed by social media and analytics partners.

Cookies enable us to improve your browsing experience, offer social media functionalities and analyze traffic. In this way, the website may access information already stored on your electronic communication terminal equipment and write information to it.

This website uses different types of cookies.

Cookies required for browsing

These cookies are required to enable you to visit our website and use certain parts of it. These cookies do not contain any personal data other than your IP address, which is necessary for your Internet browsing.

They allow you to :

  • navigate between different sections within the website; help you return to previous pages; complete forms.
  • securely verify your identity before granting access to your personal information when a personal account has been created.

Your browser settings allow you to control these cookies, but if you refuse to accept them, some sections of the website may not function as they should, or not at all.

Functional cookies

These cookies are intended to facilitate and analyze the operation of our website and to make its use more pleasant and more personalized.

In particular, they allow you to :

  • personalize services by memorizing your preferences (language, currency, location, browsing data, etc.),
  • prevent you from repeating your choices each time you visit the website,
  • collect information communicated in online forms,
  • compile statistics (e.g. number of unique visitors),
  • analyze website use and page popularity.

Third-party cookies

When you visit our website, socio-demographic and profile data is collected and stored anonymously in a commercial cookie.

Commercial cookies are installed by advertisers when their ads are displayed. These third-party advertisers are notified of your visit to our website. Data is processed anonymously.

They allow you to :

  • prevent you from being repeatedly confronted with the same advertisements,
  • measure the effectiveness of various marketing and advertising initiatives,
  • personalize advertising on our website.

Cookies are placed on our website by third parties : for example Google, Facebook...

They allow you to :

  • improve the content and operation of the website through, for example, the use of Google Analytics,
  • track advertising (see Google & Facebook conditions).

Limit cookies

Technically, these cookies cannot be deactivated from the website. You can, however, prevent the use of cookies by adjusting your browser settings. This setting depends on the browser you use, but is generally straightforward: in principle, you can either activate a private browsing function, or simply prohibit or restrict cookies, or activate acceptance of cookies on request. Please note, however, that cookies may have been stored on your device before you set up your browser. If this is the case, you should delete your browsing history, again using your browser's settings.

Personal data collection (forms) :

Data is collected for the sole purpose and use of KINEATHOME.

The information collected is intended to respond to your requests and/or to record your e-mail address for future communication. This data is kept in our databases until you revoke it. In the event of revocation, it is immediately deleted.

You have the right to access, rectify, port (electronic copy), delete or limit the processing of your personal data.

You may object to the processing of data concerning you and have the right to withdraw your consent at any time by sending an e-mail to or by writing to the registered office of KINEATHOME.

You have the right to lodge a complaint with a supervisory authority :

For the Grand Duchy of de Luxembourg

 CNDP - Commission nationale pour la protection des données

For Belgium

Autorité de protection des données

For France

CNIL - Commission Nationale de l’Informatique et des Libertés

For Europe

Information portal
The original of this legal information is in French.
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