Physiotherapist at home – Neurological rehabilitation - KINE AT HOME

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KINEATHOME - Hardy physiotherapy practice - Physiotherapy at home - Luxembourg - Belval - Dudelange - Neurological physiotherapy

Neurological physiotherapy

At KINEATHOME, we are specialized in the management of pathologies of neurological origin, by offering personalized home physiotherapy sessions.

We work with patients with various conditions such as hemiplegia (following a stroke), paraplegia, tetraplegia, neurodegenerative diseases such as multiple sclerosis, myopathies, Parkinson's disease, as well as polyneuritis and neuroperipheral paralysis, among others.

At the heart of our approach, the patient is at the center of his own physiotherapy journey. We are committed to continually adjusting the treatment according to his therapeutic objectives and specific needs.
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